+49 (0) 8541 / 9030 - 0 welcome@paul.group


After more than 200 years of company tradition and nearly 4 decades in Passau we have moved to Albersdorf/Vilshofen on the Danube.

On an area of 90,000 m² 25 million has been invested in a 22,550 m² production hall and a modern administration building in the past year. The structural requirements for the rapidly progressing expansion of the booming niche segment Special Trucks & Chassiswere thus created.


You find us at the following new address.

Paul Nutzfahrzeuge GmbH,  Josef-Paul-Straße 1,  94474 Vilshofen an der Donau

Tel.: 08541 / 9030 – 0    Fax: 08541 /9030 – 270

Find us in Google-Maps!


You can reach us by car / truck from all directions on the A3 freeway, exit 113, Garham / Vilshofen. Following the state road 2119, you arrive after about 5 kilometers.