Certified Quality
Our greatest treasure is the confidence of the customers in our technology and our experience. In practical application the vehicles of our customers have to withstand the highest strain. At every step of a vehicle modification, Paul Nutzfahrzeuge is always aware of its great responsibility. Therefore, we take on each individual project with absolute precision and care, from planning through design and development to production. There we emphasize a top-rate counseling of the customer and, if necessary, visualize the planned service profile in the field.
During the implementation we also comply with the individual requirements profile of the operator a hundred percent and focus on a permanent process of coordination and complete documentation in the internal PPS system of Paul Nutzfahrzeuge GmbH. This enables the customer to call up the data of his vehicle(s) online at any time. On the one hand, this will facilitate the future spare parts supply all over the world. On the other hand, this allows for a flexible reaction and enables us to carry out modifications not only during the development and design phase but even during production until shortly before delivery to the customer takes place.
Our manufacturing site is situated in Germany. For prospective customers around the globe the technology experts from Paul Nutzfahrzeuge visit the customer and advise in the field. In case the workshop in the field should be unable to carry out installation, service, maintenance and repair work on the vehicle then the mobile service team of Paul Nutzfahrzeuge will take a trip directly to the customer, if necessary, even as far as China or South Africa. Paul Nutzfahrzeuge will also perform the training of the workshop staff, either at its own premises or, on a global level, directly at the customer’s enterprise.
All parts used are thoroughly tested during the receiving inspection. The applied materials are tested for strength, durability and deformation resistance. This is done by calculations and measurement techniques, tests and test drives under realistic operating conditions, for example with a ballast bridge. Other steps to test and ensure first-rate quality are documentation, type approval, TÜV inspections and transportation to the customer. At the center pillar of each vehicle a label informs about the Paul serial number, the scope of retrofitting and the date of installation. These data will ensure a fast supply of spare parts all over the world.
By means of permanent internal and external quality audits we not only test the individual working processes but also the products manufactured by ourselves before they leave our manufacturing halls. Therefore, in-process test protocols are as a matter of course for us. The same applies for a hundred percent control during the final inspection by means of a comprehensive testing and measurement equipment. An independent team takes care of the permanent safeguarding and improvement of our high quality standards.
Detection of installed components and spare parts
The chassis modifications made by Paul are documented seamlessly in the paul internal PPS system. The basis for this is the Paul order number, which can be found in the vehicle and worldwide through the Daimler Documentation System VEDOC. On the basis of this order number or the chassis number, the parts can be identified and delivered by our spare part warehouse. For standard components, e.g. complete axle systems, operating instructions including spare parts lists are also included in the vehicle.
The Paul Documentation PDOC is available online for all chassis with Paul conversion from year of construction 07/2010. After registration, you will receive a 24 hour valid download link via the e-mail address provided.
Paul type plate and maintenance booklet
On the vehicle B-pillar next to the Orignal-type plate you will find a sticker with the Paul serial number, the conversion scope as well as the installation date. You can also find this type plate in the maintenance booklet under “Aufbauhersteller” with additional information.
Information on REACH (EU Regulation 1907/2006):
Paul Nutzfahrzeuge GmbH complies with its obligations to inform about substances of the candidate list in products acc. REACH Art. 33 conscious. If individual products contain candidate substances in a concentration of more than 0.1%, we will inform our customers accordingly.
According to our current state of knowledge, the components for pipe fittings supplied by us may contain lead 7439-92-1, which is listed in the candidate list. In this context, we would like to point out, that the listing of a substance on the candidate list alone does not constitute a ban on use.
For further information on this topic, please contact the following e-mail address: reach@paul-nutzfahrzeuge.de
Your Contact
Stefan Poindecker
Head of Quality Assurance
Phone: +49 (0) 8541 – 9030 – 230
Fax: +49 (0) 8541 – 96746 – 630